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With diagnosis 

The nature and severity of your symptoms determine whether you have a (DSM) diagnosis and therefore whether the care can be reimbursed by the health insurer. If the GP suspects this, he/she will write a referral letter for the basic generalist mental healthcare (BG-GGZ) or the Specialist mental healthcare (S-GGZ).  


Psycheheal only offers reimbursed BG-GGZ treatment. Mental health issues that are too complex or serious must be treated elsewhere in the S-GGZ. Should this prove necessary in the intake phase, Psycheheel will give you a referral advice. However, the general practitioner will have to refer you .

Note: You will need a referral from your general practitioner for reimbursement of the care. Self diagnosis online is often difficult and unreliable. You should leave real diagnostics to professionals. If despite this, you would like to educate yourself whether there could be a diagnosis, I recommend the following sites:


If you want to see for yourself online whether you may have a reimbursed DSM diagnosis, take a look at the following sites with self-tests:





Think of social anxiety (which includes fear of failure), panic disorder (with or without street fright), worrying disorder (generalised anxiety disorder)

Note: specific phobias are anxiety disorders as well, but often insurers no longer reimburse these disorders. Check with them if you want to be considered!

Which symptoms

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