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Who for?


Many students are hoping to have 'the time of their life', but that can sometimes be disappointing. All kinds of circumstances can cause problems: you or one of your next of kin becomes ill or dies, your choice of study subject is disappointing or the study matter is difficult for you, something bad has happened to you (sexual assault or drugging), your parents start divorcing. Or you notice that you develop issues that make you not function well in your social life or in your studie, for example because of:  (performance) anxiety, depressive symptoms, homesickness, procrastination or continued and excessive stress (perhaps due to perfectionism) or even burn-out.


I, Marjan Krijgsveld, practitioner and owner of Psycheheal, have extensive experience in working with students; since 2014 till november 2019 I work as a student psychologist at the RuG. I know what the University of Groningen  offers and we can make use of that next to our sessions and with that enhancing treatment outcome.


Find out yourself what kind of help the university offers here:



     As many other international students that need to leave their home country, families and friends, moving and studying abroad can be a stressful experience, even after years. The excitement of the cultural shock slowly fades away and the expats find themselves under a lot of pressure to integrate, to speak the language, to socialize and to forge contacts. This can be stressful and sometimes overwhelming. Marjan identified the root(s) of my stress and proposed a new sort of therapy for me that I had never heard of before: hypnosis therapy. All I knew about hypnosis were the Hollywood movies in which people are being put to sleep and made to do weird stuff. Obviously, it was not about that. Looking back, I found it a wonderful and meaningful experience to get to know your (inner) self better. It helps you relax a great deal, and that is what I needed most. Also, it helps you navigate to the roots of your anxiety/problems, and constructively helps you find them and deal with them. I would totally recommend!

     I went through a short treatment program to work on  perfectionism, since it caused mental and physical overload. I always had to get the best out of myself, felt I had to prove myself to others and felt I wouldn't pass an exam if I didn't study that one hour extra. The first hypnosis session was very nice and brought (temporary) relaxation in my body. In the following sessions we went to look at the cause of the problem. Those sessions were quite intensive, but the effect was noticeable fairly quickly. I more easily tell myself something is good enough and I don't get guilty anymore when I can't study for a day because I have planned something nice. Marjan was very quiet during the sessions, created a safe feeling and if it didn't work immediately she gave enough time and suggested other possibilities or gave tips to make it work anyway. I found that hypnosis is a great way to get my perfectionism under control. "

     I, someone with a slight aversion for psychologists, suffered a lot from my sister's mental health issues . I was very worried, had bad dreams and my schoolwork suffered and eventually came to a halt. After an intake Marjan advised me to do EMDR to give the bad dreams a place. Somewhat skeptically I started. During such a session you revisit that bad dream and treat it by following a light and thereby reducing the bad feeling. My thoughts went in all directions: from my family to a piece of music and back to the dream. After a session you are exhausted but the bad feeling accompanying the images is gone. I am very happy that I did this and learned a lot during those sessions. This way I can now deal with it better and I give myself time to process difficult things. Marjan was a nice psychologist who really took away my doubts and prejudices about psychologists, thank you!

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