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My practice: procedure


You can register online through the contact form. I will contact you to make an appointment.



The Intake

In a  60 minute session (plus or minus 15 minutes occasionally), initially your complaints are mapped out. In addition, you will be asked about how you’re functioning in different areas of life and your life history in general.

Where necessary, the interview will be supplemented with test diagnostics. I then turn this into an intake report, which of course you can also get a copy of. This report includes a symptom analysis, the diagnosis (if available) and a proposal for treatment method and form.



Treatment method

When you think of treatment by a psychologist, you probably think of the classical form, in which the client and psychologist are in conversation seated in comfortable chairs or on a sofa. This is often the case with Psycheheal. But a more active way of working at a table can also be chosen. Or you can opt for:



Walk & Talk

What makes Psycheheal special is that our sessions can also take place on foot. Exercise combined with the relaxing and soothing effects of nature can help you gain insights and finding new paths. Environmental psychologist and Professor Agnes van den Berg did research into walking coaching and demonstrated a number of its positive effects.


See also




Online, all kinds of self-help sources can be found. Before you go to a psychologist you might benefit from these. You can also use these sources as extra support in addition to the treatment. Psycheheal recommends the following programs:





In addition, there are all kinds of apps that can support you in dealing with your challenges. Ask me about them, if you want to use them alongside your treatment!




After the intake we will decide what your treatment goal is and how we will work on it. The method, the frequency and duration of the sessions and the estimated duration of the treatment will be discussed. The sessions usually last 45 minutes and take place every week or fortnight, sometimes every month. EMDR (and a single hypnosis session) lasts 90 minutes. Towards the end of treatment, the frequency often decreases.




You can receive coaching if you are stuck at work. Together we look at external sources of stress and support and your internal symptoms and strengths (The S's-model) and on that basis we determine how we can tackle your problems, so that you can enjoy working again.




The treatment plan can be evaluated at any time and adjusted where necessary. Usually this is after about five sessions, at least if the treatment has not yet been completed.




As soon as you are able and wish to, we stop the treatment. Sometimes the frequency of the sessions will already have decreased towards the end of the treatment. It may also be that the treatment is concluded quickly, but you still want the opportunity to come back, in case the symptoms return. This is almost always possible. If you have been referred by your GP or employer, I often let them know at the end that the treatment or coaching process has been completed, unless you object to this.

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