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Which symptoms

Stress & burn-out

We all experience stress and that's a good thing. Sometimes, however, the stress we experience due to external factors or processes within ourselves (think of a too strict conscience, for example) is greater or lasts longer than we can handle. Then there is a state of excessive stress, in which you can no longer relax well, do not recover from sleep and feel tired all the time. Being overemotional can also be a good part of it. If you don't take these serious signals seriously yet, you may even end up in a burn-out, so you really can't do anything anymore. Do something about it before you get there!   



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        Last year I went through a short treatment program with Marjan to work on my perfectionism, since it caused mental and physical overload. I always had to get the best out of myself, felt I had to prove myself to others and felt I wouldn't pass an exam if I didn't study that one hour extra. Those sessions were quite intensive, but the effect was noticeable fairly quickly. I more easily tell myself something is good enough and I don't get guilty anymore when I can't study for a day because I have planned something nice. "


       Op het moment dat ik bij u kwam, kwam ik ivm burnout-klachten. De hypnose therapie heeft me erg geholpen om in vijf behandelingen inzicht te krijgen in waardoor ik handel zoals ik handel en wat voor invloed dit heeft op mijn vermoeidheid. Het was erg effectief en fijn om op deze manier bezig te zijn. Het bracht me dichterbij  mijn gevoel. Praten over mijn gevoelens kon ik heel goed, maar deze ook echt voelen niet. De hypnose therapie stelde me in staat wel te voelen en ik vond de manier waarop u het vorm gaf erg fijn. Ik voelde me volledig op mijn gemak en durfde me helemaal open te stellen. Daarnaast gebruik ik de ontspanningsoefening nog steeds op momenten dat ik stress heb. 

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